Train the Mind, Not the Brain Podcast
Train the Mind, Not the Brain Podcast
Defining Your Vision: A Guide to Purposeful Living
Ready to shine a light on your life's path? This episode is your beacon, guiding you towards a rewarding journey of self-discovery. We discuss the indispensable role of vision in giving our lives meaning, purpose, and direction. It's not just about a grand dream - we break it down to achievable goals, and share effective techniques to boost clarity, banish procrastination, and fuel motivation. Remember, it's not carved in stone; as we evolve, our vision can - and should - too.
Dive into the fascinating world of creative visualization, a powerful tool to bring your vision to life. We explore how clearly articulating your vision can rally others to your cause, and the significance of regular checkpoints to assess and tweak your progress. We even share some excellent book recommendations to support your journey to a purpose-driven life. After this episode, you'll not only be clear about your vision, but also equipped with practical strategies to make it a reality. So, tune in to the 'Train the Mind, Not the Brain' podcast and be ready to redefine your life.
Stay in the Hunt!
Welcome, welcome, welcome back to train the mind, not the brain, podcast. This is your host, Greg Hunt, and man, I've had a exciting topic that I want to talk to you about, super excited about sharing this information. So, with that being said, let's dive in. So the topic that I'm going to be talking about is having a vision, a vision. Vision for yourself and by having a clear vision, to me is crucial in various aspects of our life, including business and just our personal development. You know, a vision serve as a guiding light, providing direction and purpose, and, to me, by having a vision, we know it's important because of it providing that sense of purpose and direction, but it also allow us to live a full life by having a vision. Now, you know, we heard before in the Bible a man without vision shall perish. Well, I heard it another way as well where there is no vision, the people perish. So, obviously, that having a vision is so crucial and key to our growth and life and where we see ourselves and how we want to live our life and how we want to have a full life. So I have had, for several reasons, I should say, by having a vision is valuable to you. So, with. That being said, let's kind of get right into it.
Greg Hunt:I think number one you have to start off by defining your vision. Defining your vision Start by defining what you want to achieve long term. What do you want to have your purpose in life look like, you know, because this could be related career wise, business wise, or even in personal life. How did you see your life look like 10, 15, 20 years down the road? How do your vision? And maybe serving and helping other people, how does it look like? So, first thing I think you have to do is to find your vision. And what is your vision? What is your? Why, what is your purpose? I think after that, the other reason will be clarity. Your vision should be clear. I should answer a couple of questions like what did you want to accomplish and why this is important to you. Why is your vision important to you? You know, having a well-defined vision can provide clarity about what you want to achieve and it will help you reduce uncertainty and anxiety because you have a clear, laser focus idea of how your vision should look like. I think, after that, another reason is motivation. Having a vision can provide motivation and a sense of purpose, and it keeps us focused on our goals for our challenging times. But a compelling vision can be a powerful source of motivation. Telling you know gives us something to strive for and helps us stay committed to our goals and dreams and our why, even when we face challenges in our life. So motivation is key when it comes to vision.
Greg Hunt:Another big nugget I'm going to say when it comes to having a vision and I think people underestimate this a lot just in life but it's goal setting, goal setting, you know your vision should be broken down into smaller, actionable goals and these goals, you know, serve as mile markers or milestones if you want to say, on your journey, you know, realizing are you hitting your vision or not? And I want to highly encourage and I'm underscoring this, highly encourage that you write out your vision and goals. You have a 42% higher chance of hitting your goals when you write them down. And I'm going to give you five reasons why you should write down your goals, or write down your vision or write down your dreams. Number one because it will force you to clarify what you really want. By you writing down, you're going to be very, very detailed on how you want that to look. So it's going to give you that clarity. Number two, because it will motivate you to take action, and it's something about when you write things down on paper how you are more likely to do something because you're writing it down, so allow you to take action a lot quicker. Number three, because it will provide a filter for other opportunities. Because you're writing it down, your brain just starts to work and being this creative mode and start to think of other opportunities. That's going to be spinning off of this vision, this goal, this purpose that you have. Number four, because it will help you overcome procrastination. That is the one of the biggest killers when it comes to people, vision and dreams procrastination. And number five, because it will enable you to see and allow you to celebrate your progress when you write down your goals should dream in your vision. So highly recommend that you write down your vision, goals, your purpose in life. Another reason I think, when it comes to having a vision, you want to have flexibility, and why it's important to have a clear vision is also important to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances so your vision can evolve over time, because the person you today was not the same person that you were as five years ago and you're not going to be the same person a year from now, because things change, you grow, so your vision may evolve and grow as well. So you want to have flexibility when it comes to your vision.
Greg Hunt:Another big key nugget or reason, especially when they come towards having a vision, is communication. Communication, and we hear about it all the time, especially in relationships and work. It's all about communication and if you're an entrepreneur or you're a leader of a team or a leader effective communication of your vision to others this will help you or help them be aligned to one another and towards one common goal. So communication is so key when it comes to having a vision, because I heard my mentors say one time that you should have a dream or vision that's so big that you need other people to help, and the only way that you can have other people to help you is the way to communicate your vision to other people. So communication is key.
Greg Hunt:Another reason you want to have another nugget that you want to have when it comes to having a vision and I think people underestimate it is planning, planning, planning out your vision. Do you develop a strategy plan that outline how you're going to achieve this vision, how you're going to achieve your purpose, your why, what steps you need to take, what resources are required, what relationships you need to have in place to help you reach your goals and dreams. So planning is so key. It's unestimated. A lot of people underestimate that step in having vision is planning, planning, planning. So you've got to make sure you plan out how you're going to achieve this vision.
Greg Hunt:Another nugget I will say when it comes to having a vision, do you want to make sure you're measuring your progress, regularly, assess your progress towards your vision. Are you moving closer to your goals? Do you need to adjust your strategy? These are things that you want to make sure you're assessing and asking yourself, because your vision serves as a yardstick to measure your progress. It allows you to determine whether you're moving forward towards your goals and dreams or you need to modify your game plan. So that's why you always want to have the data to make sure you're on the right track, and sometimes you might have to take a detour, and it's fine, but you know the end in mind. You know where you want to go. So always have some type of measuring in your vision how you measure your progress.
Greg Hunt:Another reason come to mind is passion. It's passion. A strong vision is often fueled by passion. When you're passionate about your vision, it becomes easier to stay committed and overcome any obstacles. Let me repeat that when you have a strong vision and vision is often fueled by your passion you're passionate about your vision it becomes easier to stay committed to your goals, your dream, your why and overcome any obstacle. You got to have some passion on why you don't what you're doing. Another reason that I think is valuable when it comes to having a vision, or having vision, is just you want to reevaluate. You want to have a reevaluating period. You want to periodically revisit and reevaluate your vision because as you grow, circumstances changes. Your vision may need refinement because, like I said before, you might need to take a detour. Are you still on track? Are you still hitting in the right direction? So you want to make sure you reevaluate your vision from time to time.
Greg Hunt:Another nugget that's huge when it comes to having vision is having guidance. Having a clear vision serve as a guide that help you with your decision making the actions, and it helps you make choices that are aligned with your long-term goals. When you have guidance and I did a piece. I did a talk on this mentorship and the importance of mentorship and how mentorship helps you with, or gives you that guidance and perspective, and it's so key. I tell people all the time you want to have mentorship in your life because, especially, you have a vision, a dream that you want to do something great. You want to have some guidance and perspective from somebody that's probably a little bit farther down the minefield than you are, and mentorship can help you save time, money and energy when it comes to reaching your goal of reaching your vision at a certain point in your life. So you got to have guidance, and mentorship is one of the biggest piece that can help you with guidance.
Greg Hunt:Another reason that will help your vision to be valuable is having focus. When you have a vision, you're less likely to be distracted by short-term temptations and setbacks. Your vision will keep you focused on the bigger picture, and that's why it's so key to have focus with your vision, to see the big picture, to see the end game. So focus is very key. Inspiration is another thing that comes to mind. Another nugget that comes to mind is inspiration. You know, having a strong vision can inspire not only you but also people around you, those around you, and they can rally people towards a common purpose and foster collaboration. And that's what I talked about earlier that having a big dream, a big vision that is bigger than yourself, that you need other people to help, support and work the vision along with you. And vision can inspire other people. And it's more back to the way you may communicate that vision.
Greg Hunt:I think the final nugget when it comes to having a vision, it helps with resiliency and resilience because when you face adversity, having a vision can provide resilience needed to persevere any challenge. You know it will remind you of your ultimate objective and how that can help you bounce back from any setbacks. So resilience is another key element when it comes to having a vision. And then just kind of winding down with some final thoughts, I believe having a vision give us a sense of purpose and it can drive us towards achieving our goals and dreams and aspiration. Having a vision man is a powerful tool for our personal life and our professional life and, in essence, a vision is like a roadmap that help us navigate the journey of life and making it more personal for and for Philip. And those are some of my final thoughts when it comes to having a vision, I do have two books that I will recommend that you've read was kind of helpful finding your vision.
Greg Hunt:One is creative visualization for the fulfillment of your desires, and that's by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips, and another book that I highly recommend is the purpose driven life by Rick one. Two phenomenal books that I would highly recommend that you read. So I hope you enjoyed that. That was exciting for me to share with y'all guys my thoughts about having a vision. Please share, like and comment on not just this but other podcast that I did and until next time, keep doing what you're doing and stay in the hunt. This is training mind, not the brain podcast.